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2014年10月15日  广州国际贸易律师   http://www.gzgjmyls.com/

united nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods(1980) [cisg]








  cisg 联合国国际货物销售合同公约(the united nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods)。根据联合国大会的授权,联合国国际货物销售合同会议于1980年3月10日至4月11日在奥地利维也纳举行(维也纳会议),共62个国家的代表出席。在这次会议上通过了该公约。1988年公约在达到法定批准国家数额后正式生效。我国于1986年12月向联合国秘书长递交了该公约的批准书,成为该公约的缔约国。但在参加公约时,根据第95、96条的规定,我国对该公约第11条以及第1条第1款b项作了保留。

【promulgation date】1980.04.11签订于维也纳

the states parties to this convention,

bearing in mind the broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the general assembly of the united nations on the establishment of a new international economic order,

considering that the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is an important element in promoting friendly relations among states,

being of the opinion that the adoption of uniform rules which govern contracts for the international sale of goods and take into account the different social, economic and legal systems would contribute to the removal of legal barriers in international trade and promote the development of international trade,

have decreed as follows:


part i  sphere of application and general provisions


chapter i sphere of application


article 1

(1) this convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different states:


(a) when the states are contracting states; or


(b) when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a contracting state.


(2) the fact that the parties have their places of business in different states is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either from the contract or from any dealings between, or from information disclosed by, the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract.


(3) neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercial character of the parties or of the contract is to be taken into consideration in determining the application of this convention.


article 2

this convention does not apply to sales:


(a) of goods bought for personal, family or household use, unless the seller, at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract, neither knew nor ought to have known that the goods were bought for any such use;


(b) by auction;


(c) on execution or otherwise by authority of law;


(d) of stocks, shares, investment securities, negotiable instruments or money;


(e) of ships, vessels, hovercraft or aircraft;


(f) of electricity.


article 3

(1) contracts for the supply of goods to be manufactured or produced are to be considered sales unless the party who orders the goods undertakes to supply a substantial part of the materials necessary for such manufacture or production.


(2) this convention does not apply to contracts in which the preponderant part of the obligations of the party who furnishes the goods consists in the supply of labour or other services.


article 4

this convention governs only the formation of the contract of sale and the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer arising from such a contract. in particular, except as otherwise expressly provided in this convention, it is not concerned with:本公约只适用于销售合同的订立和卖方和买方因此种合同而产生的权利和义务。特别是,本公约除非另有明文规定,与以下事项无关

(a) the validity of the contract or of any of its provisions or of any usage;


(b) the effect which the contract may have on the property in the goods sold.


article 5

this convention does not apply to the liability of the seller for death or personal injury caused by the goods to any person.


article 6

the parties may exclude the application of this convention or, subject to article 12, derogate from or vary the effect of any of its provisions.


chapter ii

general provisions总则

article 7

(1) in the interpretation of this convention, regard is to be had to its international character and to the need to promote uniformity in its application and the observance of good faith in international trade.


(2) questions concerning matters governed by this convention which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the general principles on which it is based or, in the absence of such principles, in conformity with the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law.


article 8

(1) for the purposes of this convention statements made by and other conduct of a party are to be interpreted according to his intent where the other party knew or could not have been unaware what that intent was.


(2) if the preceding paragraph is not applicable, statements made by and other conduct of a party are to be interpreted according to the understanding that a reasonable person of the same kind as the other party would have had in the same circumstances.


(3) in determining the intent of a party or the understanding a reasonable person would have had, due consideration is to be given to all relevant circumstances of the case including the negotiations, any practices which the parties have established between themselves, usages and any subsequent conduct of the parties.


article 9

(1) the parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed and by any practices which they have established between themselves.


(2) the parties are considered, unless otherwise agreed, to have impliedly made applicable to their contract or its formation a usage of which the parties knew or ought to have known and which in international trade is widely known to, and regularly observed by, parties to contracts of the type involved in the particular trade concerned.


article 10

for the purposes of this convention: 为本公约的目的

(a) if a party has more than one place of business, the place of business is that which has the closest relationship to the contract and its performance, having regard to the circumstances known to or contemplated by the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract;


(b) if a party does not have a place of business, reference is to be made to his habitual residence.


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律师:黄赞荣 [广州]
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